Sunday, May 17, 2009

a new blog...

It occurred to me that I live a very different life than I once imagined, or maybe it's very like I imagined... At any rate, I go places and hope to go more. I find myself documenting these travels and in the course of them ruminating on various and sundry topics. I like the ether. It gives me a place to put things and I don't mind if you look over my shoulder.

My most recent travels include a last minute trip to New York and a drive across the continent from Cleveland, OH to Banff, Alberta, Canada, where I'm participating in an artist's residency. Also on location are three of my colleagues who also happen to be my friends and in one case my partner: Charles Tucker; Saul Ostrow and Amanda Almon. I will spend the next couple of days writing about that drive west and my impressions of the place I am in right now.

The images on this post are of my last trip to New York. I've been going there a lot over the past year. I'm trying to conquer my own demons and claim a place for myself. It's a source of great pride for me that I'm comfortable traveling alone. That's not to say I don't very much enjoy traveling with companions but there is a certain freedom and sense of accomplishment when one gets there alone. I become my own companion and I end up photographing my travels as if I were a tourist in my own life.

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